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Thoracic Oncology Lab »  Alumni »  Visiting Scholars »  YiJun Xu, M.D.
YiJun Xu, M.D.

YiJun Xu, M.D.

  • Visiting Scholar

Contact Information

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Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin China, 2009

Yijun Xu joined the Thoracic Oncology Lab in Jul.2015 as a visiting scholar. He obtained his MD degree of thoracic surgery at Tianjin Medical University in 2009 and currently serve as an Associate Chief Physician at the Thoracic Surgery Department of Tianjin Chest Hospital. His specialty is thoracic surgery, especially in the field of esophageal cancer. His research interests are to understand biology of progression and metastasis of esophageal cancer. His goal to study and visit the Thoracic Oncology Program, Department of Surgery, UCSF is to get state-of-art research training, as well as to learn knowledge of translational medicine.


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